Author: moehursthouse

Learning Theory

The learning theory that our learning resource is primarily based on is cognitivism. Cognitivism involves learners using active recall, as well as analyzing and interpreting new information. It is a mental process that focuses on how information is stored, received, and applied (OpenLearn Create, 2020), and is commonly applicable to problem-solving and creative writing. Our learning resource encourages students to learn new information in each unit and apply that information in the form of interactive activities and personal blog posts. The interactive activities involve problem-solving, which requires a higher level of analysis, interpretation, relating to prior knowledge, and coming up with a solution. It is not always as simple as a stimulus and reward. It is also essential when writing blog posts to take the new information and what you already know and turn it into your own words to express your knowledge.


“Cognitivism.” OpenLearn Create, 16 Nov. 2020,

Unit 3 – Credit Cards

Should You Use Your Credit Card Before It Arrives in the Mail? | TIME  Stamped

Essential Questions

  • How do credit cards work? 
  • How do I get a credit card? 
  • How do I read my credit card statements? 
  • How often should I pay off my credit card? 
  • What happens if I miss a payment or pay late? 
  • How do credit scores work, and why are they important? 
  • How does debt work? 

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how credit cards work and how to apply for them.
  • Analyze examples of credit card statements.
  • Identify why credit scores are important and how to improve a credit score.
  • Describe how and why debt accumulates.

Please review all of the resources before completing your assignments.


Read Credit Cards Overview (and Watch the video)  

Read Reading a credit card statement (both links) 

Watch Credit Scores 

(Optional) Watch Introduction to Debt

(Optional) Read Considerations When Choosing a Credit Card  


  • Write a 300-400 word blog post comparing the benefits and risks of owning a credit card. You can write about a specific credit card (different credit cards have different risks and rewards) or about credit cards in general.
  • Complete the “Analyzing credit card statements” worksheet below (if you need more guidance, CIBC: how to read your credit card statement might help you). Once done, email us a copy of the completed worksheet.
