Category: Units

Unit 2 – Understanding Taxes

Taxes Definition: Types, Who Pays, and Why

Essential Questions

  • What are examples of different kinds of taxes?
  • Why do we have to pay taxes and what is the tax money used for? 
  • What are tax forms and how do I fill them out? 
  • How do I read my paycheck to determine how much tax I am paying? 

Learning Objectives

  • Define and describe various types of taxes.
  • Understand the purpose and impact of taxes on individuals and society.
  • Understand the importance of filing taxes accurately and on time.
  • Describe how to find out how much tax is being paid from a paycheck.

Please review all of the resources before completing your assignments.


Read Purpose of Each Tax (complete lessons: A, C, and D) 

Watch Income Tax Brackets and Legal Methods to Reduce Your Taxes  

Read Filing Your First Tax Return in Canada 

Read Completing a Basic Tax Return (complete lessons: A-G)

Watch Reading a Paycheck

(Optional) Calculate Breakdown of Taxes and Other Paycheck Deductions

(Optional) Read Government Resources for Filing Taxes 


  • After completing the lessons on Completing a Basic Tax return (link below) complete the quiz at the bottom of the page. Please email us a screenshot of your results after pressing “Finish and Close Quiz”. This is for completion marks, not a grade.
  • Write a 200-300 word blog post sharing your takeaways from the Canadian Government website “Purposes of Each Tax”. Was there anything you disagreed with or have further questions about? Please share two interesting or unexpected things that you learnt through completion of the activities on the Canadian Government website. Respond thoughtfully to two discussion posts from your peers. Post your responses as a comment on their blog post. Click here to see the list of class blogs.
  • Write a 300-400 word blog post explaining what information you need to fill in a tax form and why it is important to fill in a tax form accurately.

Unit 1 – Personal Budgeting

How to De-Stress Budgeting for Your Compliance Program | Corporate  Compliance Insights

Essential Questions

  • Why is it smart to save? 
  • Do I have to save money and always spend as little as I can? 
  • How much money should I save? 
  • How much money can I spend? 
  • How can I save for the future I want (post-secondary education, moving out, gap year, traveling…etc.)?

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how financial planning and budgeting can help achieve goals.
  • Create your own short-term and long-term financial goals.
  • Develop a personal budget.
  • Demonstrate financial planning for the future through projections and career goal-setting

Please review all of the resources before completing your assignments.


Watch Budgeting Basics

Read Why budget? 

Read Budgeting for teens (both links) 

Read Key budgeting concepts (from the Wealthy Barber), 

(Optional) Use budgeting tool that compares your budget to Canadian averages  


  • Track your spending over a 2-week period and share your experience in a 200 to 300-word blog post. Did anything surprise you? Did you notice patterns in your spending habits? What types of things did you spend the majority of your money on? Can you identify wants vs. needs within your spending? Did you change the way that you were spending because you were aware that you were tracking it? You can use Google Sheets to document your purchases or do it by hand in a notebook. You do not need to share your spending tracking sheet on your blog, please email it to submit instead.
  • Write at least 1 short-term (within the next 6 months), 1 midterm (within the next 2 years) and 1 long-term (within the next 5 years) personal financial goal. Explain the steps that you will take to achieve them in a 400 to 500-word blog post. Please comment on 1 or 2 of your peers’ blogposts. Click here to see the list of class blogs.