Should You Use Your Credit Card Before It Arrives in the Mail? | TIME  Stamped

Essential Questions

  • How do credit cards work? 
  • How do I get a credit card? 
  • How do I read my credit card statements? 
  • How often should I pay off my credit card? 
  • What happens if I miss a payment or pay late? 
  • How do credit scores work, and why are they important? 
  • How does debt work? 

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how credit cards work and how to apply for them.
  • Analyze examples of credit card statements.
  • Identify why credit scores are important and how to improve a credit score.
  • Describe how and why debt accumulates.

Please review all of the resources before completing your assignments.


Read Credit Cards Overview (and Watch the video)  

Read Reading a credit card statement (both links) 

Watch Credit Scores 

(Optional) Watch Introduction to Debt

(Optional) Read Considerations When Choosing a Credit Card  


  • Write a 300-400 word blog post comparing the benefits and risks of owning a credit card. You can write about a specific credit card (different credit cards have different risks and rewards) or about credit cards in general.
  • Complete the “Analyzing credit card statements” worksheet below (if you need more guidance, CIBC: how to read your credit card statement might help you). Once done, email us a copy of the completed worksheet.
